They say Golf is the easiest game to learn but the hardest game to play...but why?
Golf is actually a simple game. One has a set of clubs and a ball. One whacks the ball into a few holes that were dug into the middle of a big lawn surface. Then after the 18th hole one has the irresistable desire to go into the 19th hole and tell those he didn't play with that day about his heoric deeds on the course. Most of us play golf for recuperation and because we enjoy nature and looking at great landscapes. But also, of course, because of the athletic Energy and the improvement of our game. Reducing ones handicap is also a part of the Golf game that one should not fail to neglect.
Players like tigers Woods, Ernie Els and Bernhard Langer do exactly the same but are paid millions for their efforts. But they belong to the best pro golfers of the world. For fairness' sake, one must also add, that it is also necessary to overcome a few obstacles. If I may liberally quote Winston Churchill; "Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into a even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose."
Therefore, golf is the most difficult game in the world: The ball doesn't move alone and on average there is approximately three minutes between each shot. One therefore doesn't react to the ball like in most sports. Normally, balls are passed on, thrown, kicked, but in Golf they are struck with a club.
A golf ball simply lies quietly there and asks you defiantly not to lose it. Only a short moment is allowed in most sports in order for one to react to the ball. The movement of the body takes place automatically and the game follows wherever where the ball flies. In Golf the player has too much time to think out what their next move will be. Golf would be much simpler if the little ball could move itself and if the players had to wear roller-skates. But then it would no longer be Golf.
So what is Golf really about?
Simply expressed, golf is about whacking the ball into one hole after the other for 18 holes with as few as possible shots usine a selection of 14 differently angled clubs. After finishing 18 holes and pocketing the ball, the player tots up their results for each individual hole and gets their final score. The score is normally much larger than allowed by the rules. The lower the Score, the better the game. That is Golf. That's all there is to it. The intriuging thing about golf is the fact that it lasts a long time (Normally between 3-5 hours per round). While one plays one normally develops their strategy as the game progresses while at the same time trying to have as few shots per hole. There are many exterior and even more numerous interior influences that make this adventure so interesting. The best advice that we can give is to develop your game slowly and learn the different angles of the game without thinking too intellectually about every shot. Golf is a game that unconditionally demands the full concentration and complete contempt of the private ego. Try to attain the inner silence of a monk, at least for the duration of the round. Golf is littered with chances for foolhardy shots. But only you alone decides over successes or failures: Does one dare to the hit over the water 220 meters away from the green? Bring all your talents with you and discover the never ceasing fascination of this game that demands so much brain power. And every round has a different result. Most shots will be made to the hole from a distance of approximately 90 meters. Whoever makes shots within this range will improve their result faster than the player whose main goal consists of beating the ball as far as possible. Practise putting, the bunker game and short shots twice as often as the Drives. Those who do this will see their hard work pay off at the end of every round.
Labels: Buy Discount Golf Equipment, golf tips for beginners, play golf, The Callaway Golf Club, zen golf